For this recipe it is precise a filet mignon, I preferred a cheek of beef. For this piece of meat of choice, it is better to order from your butcher who will reserve it for you. Yes, unfortunately we do not always find one filet mignon ...

Beef Cheek with Honey and Soy Sauce

For this recipe it is necessary to specify a filet mignon, j ' I preferred a beef cheek. For this piece of meat of choice, it is better to order from your butcher who will reserve it for you. Yes, unfortunately we do not always find one filet mignon of 800g pork

2 onions
br> 1 can of tomato pulp (400g)

2 càs of liquid honey

1 càs of balsamic vinegar

1 cà of sweet soy sauce

1 walnut margarine

Salt and pepper

Mince the onion.

Remove as much fat from the fillet and detail it in medallions about 1 cm

In a sauté pan, melt the margarine and brown the medallions of filet 30 seconds "by face.

To get rid of a plate and then reserve. even sautéing, sauté the chopped onion for 2 'scraping the bottom well for the onion to take a nice color.

Add honey, balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.> Mix well and put the medallions back in the pan and let it cook for 5 'while regularly turning the pieces of meat so that they are soaked in the sauce.

Finally, add the tomato pulp in dice. Salt and pepper

Mix and simmer again 5 '.

Simply a little idea of ​​salad with onion confit. And before the party is not bad .. Green salad, hard-cooked eggs, chicken liver cooked beforehand in a frying pan (of them sweet not to dry), onion confit. .....

Ingredients 500g carrots 1 onion 20g butter 2CaS honey 20cl water ½CaC cumin ½CaC coriander powder Peel and cut the carrots into thin slices. Finely chop the onion. Melt the butter in a casserole or a saute pan ......

Just a simple recipe. Ingredients: a good farm chicken, butter at room temperature, curry. There is no quantity really it is at the whim and approximately. You take enough butter to ......

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