Simply a little idea of ​​salad with onion confit. And before the party is not bad .. Green salad, hard-cooked eggs, chicken liver cooked beforehand in a frying pan (of them sweet not to dry), onion confit. ..

With onion confit ....

Simply a little idea of ​​salad with onion confit . And before the party it's not bad ..
Green salad, hard-boiled eggs, chicken liver cooked beforehand in the pan (of them soft so as not dessicates), confits d onion that brings a touch of sweetness and vinaigrette. With a good country bread ...

I found this recipe on the Internet I just made a copy paste I admit it. If you have any suggestions I am interested ... 1 pallet of pork half salt 1 ham half salt 6 sausages of Auvergne 1 cabbage 5 carrots 10 potatoes 1 onion ......

Just a simple recipe. Ingredients: a good farm chicken, butter at room temperature, curry. There is no quantity really it is at the whim and approximately. You take enough butter to ......

I wish you all a good New Year's Eve. I also wish you a happy new year 2019. All my best wishes...

For this recipe it is precise a filet mignon, I preferred a cheek of beef. For this piece of meat of choice, it is better to order from your butcher who will reserve it for you. Yes, unfortunately we do not always find one filet mignon ......