Hello Bavarian raspberry. I found this recipe on the internet but I do not know which site. Make the cake in a pastry frame.you can prepare this dessert up to two weeks in advance and leave it well wrapped in the ...

Bavarian raspberries

Hello Bavarian raspberry. I found this recipe on the internet but I do not know which site.
Make the cake in a pastry frame.you can prepare this dessert up to two weeks in advance and leave it well packaged in the freezer. But count 24 hours in the fridge to thaw before tasting ... I chose to decorate with white chocolate chips and whole raspberries.

Preparation for 30 people
For the biscuit

4 eggs

100 g caster sugar
100 g flour

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For raspberry mousse

900 g raspberry coulis sweetened to 10%

9 gelatin sheets or 18 g
770 g whole liquid cream cold
For gelled 300 g raspberry coulis sweetened to 10%
4 leaves gelatin is 8 g
Preparation for:
The biscuit:
Preheat your oven to 180 ° C. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the flour and vanilla extract, mix well
Mount the whites firm with a pinch of salt and gently add in the previous preparation. Pour on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Smooth and bake for 8 minutes.
On leaving the oven, turn over to a clean cloth, peel off the baking paper and allow to cool. Place at the bottom of a frame of 30 x 35 cm and wrap a strip of rhodoïd.
Rehydrate the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the raspberry coulis over low heat. Dissolve the gelatin sheets, whisk to mix well and dispose of in a salad bowl. Let cool.
Put the cold cream firmly on top and add it to the raspberry coulis. Mix gently with the spay and pour into the frame on the biscuit. Smooth the surface and block in the freezer for 2 hours.
Rehydrate the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the raspberry coulis over low heat. Dissolve the gelatin sheets, whisk to mix and let cool.
Pour in the frame on the foam and put back in the freezer at least 2 hours, at best one night.
At least 6 hours before tasting, take the foam out of the freezer, remove the frame and let it defrost in the refrigerator (if you are in a hurry, leave to thaw at room temperature in a cool room).
Decorate to your taste before serving.
For a cake of 31 x 27 x 6 cm

I make my homemade raspberry coulis from frozen raspberries. Count about the same weight in frozen raspberries as the desired grout weight. Start by heating the raspberries still frozen slowly to the pan then mix in the blender dipping, go through the fine sieve to remove the seeds. Weigh the resulting grout and add 10% caster sugar (or more depending on your taste) and heat again to dilute. Use immediately or store in the refrigerator.

 Bavarian raspberry
 Bavarian raspberry
Bavarian raspberries
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