Good New Year's Eve and Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a great time with family or friends.


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all is all.

Have a great time with family or friends.

 Merry Christmas

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Chocolate called

This is the chocolate I told you yesterday ... the recipe is like my booklet. For a West Indian chocolate of 2-3 persons 550 ml of semi-skimmed milk 20g of cocoa stick 30g of chocolate powder (pure cocoa) 100ml of water 120g of sweetened condensed milk ......

 With onion confit ....

Simply a little idea of ​​salad with onion confit. And before the party is not bad .. Green salad, hard-cooked eggs, chicken liver cooked beforehand in a frying pan (of them sweet not to dry), onion confit. .....


Oup's ... no pictures...