

Good New Year's Eve and Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a great time with family or friends....


Hummmmmmm it is super sweet ... perfume with vanilla brought straight from Martinique, it is too good ... Ingredients for 1 four-quarter: 4 eggs (weigh the eggs and put the same weight in sugar, flour and butter.) My eggs weighed 240g, ......

 With onion confit ....

Simply a little idea of ​​salad with onion confit. And before the party is not bad .. Green salad, hard-cooked eggs, chicken liver cooked beforehand in a frying pan (of them sweet not to dry), onion confit. .....

Honey onion jam

Ingredients for a dozen tartlets (generous). 2 onions, 2 to 3 tablespoons honey, a little pepper. Simply put all the ingredients in a pan and simmer on low heat. I have an induction plate and I leave ......