Just a simple recipe. Ingredients: a good farm chicken, butter at room temperature, curry. There is no quantity really it is at the whim and approximately. You take enough butter to ...

Roasted chicken with curry butter

 Roasted chicken with curry butter

Just a simple recipe. Ingredients: a good farm chicken, butter at room temperature, curry. There is no quantity really it is at the whim and approximately. You take a quantity of butter enough to coat the chicken, this butter you place it on a flat plate you crush it lightly with a fork. Dotted with curry, there, the same you put according to your taste me I put enough because I like. With the fork you make small furrows by crossing to mix the curry butter. In theory if your butter is soft it is fine. In a dish big enough to hold your chicken you put a little bit of olive oil just so it does not stick. Wash your hands, and give it to your heart's content by taking your chicken with your left hand and then with your right hand, take the curry butter with your hands and you will be spreading it over your chicken, massaging it slightly so that the flavors of the curry penetrates the meat well. Using butter and minced curry really good chicken is important. If you have butter left, it's ok, put it inside the chicken. Put your chicken in the dish, and put in the preheated oven at 200 ° C about 1 hour 20 minutes depending on the weight of your chicken.


Ingredients 500g carrots 1 onion 20g butter 2CaS honey 20cl water ½CaC cumin ½CaC coriander powder Peel and cut the carrots into thin slices. Finely chop the onion. Melt the butter in a casserole or a saute pan ......


I found this recipe on the Internet I just made a copy paste I admit it. If you have any suggestions I am interested ... 1 pallet of pork half salt 1 ham half salt 6 sausages of Auvergne 1 cabbage 5 carrots 10 potatoes 1 onion ......

 Good New Year

I wish you all a good New Year's Eve. I also wish you a happy new year 2019. All my best wishes...


Good New Year's Eve and Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a great time with family or friends....