I found this recipe on the Internet I just made a copy paste I admit it. If you have any suggestions I am interested ... 1 pallet of pork half salt 1 ham half salt 6 sausages of Auvergne 1 cabbage 5 carrots 10 potatoes 1 onion ...


I found this recipe on the Internet I simply made a copy paste I admit it. If you have suggestions I'm interested ...

1 pallet of pork half-salt

1 ham half-salt

6 sausages of Auvergne

1 cabbage

5 carrots

10 potatoes

1 onion

1 bouquet garni

2 cloves
> 2 tablespoons mustard (optional)

Salt, pepper


Soak the pork and ham palette in cold water for at least 2 hours. After this "desalting" period, place the meat in the casserole and cover with cold water. Cook for 1h30 over medium heat.

Detail and wash the cabbage leaves, then blanch for a few minutes in boiling water. Using a skimmer, remove your leaves from the pot of boiling water and immerse them directly in a bowl of ice water.

Peel your carrots. Peel the onion and prick it cloves.

Once the 1:30 past cooking time, add the cabbage leaves, carrots, pitted onion and bouquet garni. Cook another 30 minutes over medium heat. Peel the potatoes and add them whole with the sausages in the casserole. Prolong the cooking for another 45 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add the mustard and season the seasoning with salt and pepper. Mix and serve very hot with mustard!

 Chocolate with gwa kako sticks.

Injury of flemalgie .... I did not make the loaf but I give you the recipe. I have another chocolate recipe called "Communion" I will publish to you tomorrow.Abbe, that even if you do not have these sticks of gwa kako, you can do with ......

 Merry Christmas

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......


Hummmmmmm it is super sweet ... perfume with vanilla brought straight from Martinique, it is too good ... Ingredients for 1 four-quarter: 4 eggs (weigh the eggs and put the same weight in sugar, flour and butter.) My eggs weighed 240g, ......

 Roasted chicken with curry butter

Just a simple recipe. Ingredients: a good farm chicken, butter at room temperature, curry. There is no quantity really it is at the whim and approximately. You take enough butter to ......