Hummmmmmm it is super sweet ... perfume with vanilla brought straight from Martinique, it is too good ... Ingredients for 1 four-quarter: 4 eggs (weigh the eggs and put the same weight in sugar, flour and butter.) My eggs weighed 240g, ...

Four quarters

Hummmmmmm it is super moist ... perfume with vanilla brought from Martinique, it is too good ... Ingredients for 1 four-quarters:

4 eggs (weigh the eggs and put the same weight in sugar, flour and butter.) My eggs weighed 240g, so I put 240 g each. On average, an egg weighs 50 g)

Even weight sugar powder (about 200 g)

Even weight flour (about 200 g)

Even weight half butter -sel I had no.tonc butter traditional about 200 g)

Vanilla powder, rum, orange blossom, lemon zest, etc. to choose according to your tastes to flavor (optional)

1/2 sachet of vanilla sugar

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

Melt the butter to let it cool. You can add a good pinch of salt to bring out the aroma.

Whip the eggs with the sugar for about 5 minutes. The mixture must become clear and sparkling.

Add the flour (and the aroma of your choice) and whip a few seconds, just the time to incorporate it. If you whip too much, you will drop the dough.Add the melted butter and mix with a spatula or wooden spoon.

No yeast because it allows to obtain a dense and mellow cake, a little wet and that does not dry out. The dough is thick enough.

Butter your cake tin and pour it into it.

Bake for 10 minutes at 180 ° C, then lower the temperature to 145 ° C. This will allow four-quarters to rise, then slow cooking will give it all its softness and density.

Let cook for 40 minutes. The top of the pound must be slightly golden, but not too much.

At the end of the oven, sprinkle with vanilla sugar.

Let cool before demolding because it is fragile.


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